A few years ago, a friend suggested that I subscribe to a weekly email written by a woman from her church. I read a few of her pieces and immediately knew I wanted to read more of her writing. Leigh McLeroy sends emails out every Wednesday titled "Wednesday Words" and today's was especially powerful for me. (http://www.wednesdaywords.com/)
She was writing about her new book entitled Treasured. She shared that treasures are continually being revealed in our lives and how these particular treasures are reminders that represent not only where we have been, but how God has revealed himself at various times when all seemed lost. Treasures can be a word, a song, a passage, an object...whatever. It is whatever significantly reminds you of your journey's twists and turns with God.
Toward the end, she posed the question, "So what is in your treasure box? What keepsakes or objects tell the story of your experience with God?" This really got me thinking. Do I even pay attention to the treasures that have been dropped along the path for me to discover? Have I bothered to collect them? Treasure them? Cherish them for what they represent to me about my journey? I fear that I have not been very diligent in my treasuring and not for lack of treasures, but for what appears to be a complete lack of gratitude and heart appreciation.
So I decided that I'm going to retrace some of my steps and begin collecting these treasures- While some treasures are but memories, others are tangible. Leigh's words reminded me that it's so important to hold onto these "mile markers" from our lives to help us remember where we have been and how God revealed himself along the path. Everyone has these treasures in their lives. I'm interested in learning what you cherish and why. So as I begin this personal journey of excavation and unravelling, I wish thank Leigh for her words that continue to inspire me- and not just on Wednesdays! Happy treasure hunting!