Friday, October 17, 2008

Can it Be???

i know, two posts in one day. but that is not the real shocker...

people who know me well have been "stunned," "shocked," and "thrilled" at my new adventure into the world of facebook. for months from all avenues (it seemed) i have been feeling a lot of pressure to join this wild west of the internet (as i like to imagine it). i have always denied that i would ever join and have actually used the word "never" and scoffed when talking about facebook. however, realizing that people dont really email as much as they post on facebook and that i was losing my personal crusade against social networking, i finally gave into the peer pressure and signed up. And i have to say- to date (today is day four of my facebook adventure), its been a pretty wild ride.

so far i've heard from close friends who have been taunting me with the wonders of facebook fun for a long time, old friends i havent seen since college, friends from elementary school, friends from the street i grew up on as a kid, friends from church and friends of friends i havent seen since weddings or births of babies. i confess its actually been a little bit fun and a lot overwhelming. i still do not know how to really find people or post pictures or chat or post anything, but i have loved seeing what everyone has been up to. its reminded me that i have hilarious, interesting, amazing and fantastic friends all over the world and its been a joy to see your smiling and beautiful faces on my computer screen this past week.

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